Idaho, Utah fish and wildlife agencies to provide updates on Bear Lake fishery at public meeting on Oct. 17
Bear Lake — Fisheries biologists from the Idaho Department of Fish and Game and the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources will share updates on the Bear Lake fishery, as well as work plans for 2024, at an upcoming public meeting.
The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct. 17 at 6 p.m. at the Garden City Convention Center's Lakeside Room at 69 N. Parkway in Garden City.
Anglers and other community members interested in the status of the Bear Lake fishery are encouraged to attend the meeting. Biologists from both state agencies will share the latest population trends and ongoing management work related to the wide array of fish found in the lake.
The event will include introductory presentations by both states followed by a question-and-answer session for those in attendance.
For more information about the meeting and the Bear Lake fishery, call the Idaho Department of Fish and Game Southeast Region Office at 208-232-4703 or the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources Northern Region Office at 801-476-2740.