Peregrine application
Falconry Falconry
Peregrine falcon

Peregrine falcon permit application

The 2025 application period is open from 8 a.m. on Feb. 1 until 11:59 p.m. on March 31, 2025. If you are successful in the drawing, you will need to purchase a nonrefundable raptor capture permit. This year, there is no application fee.

2025 season dates: The peregrine falcon take season is open from May 1 to Aug. 31, 2025.

Area open: Peregrine falcons may be taken statewide, although taking wild raptors is prohibited within the boundaries of all national parks and within all Utah state parks.

Restrictions and requirements

There may be other restrictions on some public and private lands. Successful applicants should check with landowners or land-management agencies for more information before capturing or attempting to capture eyas or passage-age peregrine falcons on these lands. You must obtain written approval from the landowner or an authorized agent before you enter any private land.

  1. Only General and Master Class falconers may apply to take eyas or passage age peregrine falcons in accordance with Sections R657-20-11 and R657-20-12 and as provided in this rule.
  2. Application procedures for taking eyas or passage peregrine falcons are provided in Section R657-20-12 and R657-20-13.
  3. The peregrine falcon take season begins annually on May 1 and ends on Aug. 31.
  4. The number of permits issued to take peregrine falcons will be set by the Division annually. This year 17 permits will be available: 16 resident and one nonresident.
  5. One nonresident take permit will be issued annually. If no nonresidents apply, the permit will be made available to resident falconers.
  6. Issued permits allow take of one eyas or passage age peregrine falcon.
  7. Individuals who draw a capture permit for a given species are placed on a waiting period for one year.
  8. If all applicants that are not on a waiting period have been given the opportunity to accept an available capture permit, then individuals on a waiting period who have still applied, will be placed in the drawing order, and may receive a capture permit.
  9. An eyas peregrine falcon may not be removed from its aerie prior to 10 days of age.
  10. Peregrine falcon aeries may not be entered when young are 28 days or more of age.
  11. A peregrine falcon that is marked with a research band, such as a colored band with alphanumeric codes, or some other research marking, must be immediately released at the location of the capture. You must then report the date and location of the capture to the Division (via the falconry capture report) and the Federal Bird Banding Laboratory (via their website or by calling 800-327-2263) within five business days.
  12. For all captures, the date and location must be reported to the Division (via the falconry capture report) and the Federal Bird Banding Laboratory (via their website or by calling 800-327-2263) within five business days of the capture.
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